Early years parenting guide

Bringing up a baby in initial years could be a troublesome phase for parents. However, with some simple, synchronized and analytic methods, the overall experience can be made a pleasant and enjoyable one. Let’s have a look at a few steps which are considered effective enough to serve as early years parenting guide.

Parenting steps for infants (0-1 year)

A new born baby is delicate and utterly tender. He requires full-fledged care and attention. Let’s have a look at some of the simplest yet effective steps for new parents.


a. One of the simplest ways of comforting your new born kid is swaddling. Kids often fall asleep immediately, since it makes them rest inside the womb. One thing you should often keep in mind is that your baby should not feel over heated while swaddling. If the baby sweats out while swaddling, things would go wayward.

b. It’s very important being a parent to set up a consistent night time routine. A soothing warm water bath, followed by a lullaby can prove quite helpful for your baby to attain a fast and sound sleep. Even if this move does not click off initially, don’t give up. Be patient and observe the gradual changes taking place in your kid. After a couple of weeks, it would be easy for him to fall asleep fast as well as sleep for a longer period of time.

c. Old age maxim forbids a sleeping baby from waking up but contemporary pediatricians believe that a baby’s nap should not exceed more than an hour. Further, it’s also believed that a baby napping for more than two hours might find it difficult to sleep during night. Parents should not allow babies to fall asleep on course of daytime food intake. A baby should be bottle fed after every three to four hours.

d. Babies feel hungry more often and therefore a proper feeding schedule is required. Especially when a baby turns four months old, his bowel demands more food. If you make your baby wait for food according to your personal schedule, it would deter his health. Feed them whenever they are hungry without any delay.

Parenting tips for toddlers (1-2 years)

As soon as your kid starts walking, jumping, hopping and moving around on his own, you can bid ‘bye’ to his infant years. Your responsibility changes and as a parent you need to follow the following steps.

a. Pick up a book, sit down with your kid and read along with him. To make it more interesting, choose from his favorite subjects and he will find it more exciting. This is a healthy exercise as your kid will develop an early sense of interest in reading books, something that would prove beneficial for him in days to come.

b. Play educational games with your toddler to hone his mental reflexes and reasoning skills. Games like building blocks, riddle and joining pieces of puzzles are loved by kids and these games eventually sharpen their creativity in a playful and entertaining manner.

c. Talk to him more often. This would help him in developing his language and would also add more words to his vocals. Kids pick up whatever they listen, therefore keep the conversation on and encourage him to utter a word or two. There are chances that he would finally go on forming sentences on his own.

d. It’s always a nice idea to promote and encourage your kids curiosity. Take him out for trips nearby and explain the common elements found around him. A boat or bus ride does the trick in a similar and effective manner without relying much on books.

Parenting guide for kids (2-3 years)

By the time a kid turns two, he becomes more inquisitive. You will often find him throwing up a volley of questions like ‘why and how’, ‘what and why’ etc. During this stage, they should be provided answers to every question in the easier possible way. At the same time, they should also be encouraged to explore things on their own.

a. Act like a friend and guide in helping him discover stuffs around him. Put more stress on regular outdoor trips and introduce a practical approach to the overall process of learning. Encourage him to tell his own name and make him familiar with certain nursery songs.

b. Appreciate and praise your child’s achievements. Laud him every time he follows your instructions and advice. This will instill a sense of confidence in him and he will be motivated to act obedient. At the same time, tackle his tantrums sensibly. Make him learn acceptable ways of exhibiting emotions when he is upset.

c. Pay more attention towards their safety, since kids of this age group are more adventurous and experimental. Never let them wander near water like pools, bathtubs and lakes. Never ever let him go off your sight for a moment, in case you land at a beach with him.

d. Inculcate in him the correct sitting posture while eating. Also, encourage him to chew his food properly before swallowing or else he might choke off.

Guide for Preschoolers (3-5 years)

Your kid has finally ‘grown up’ and he is ready for school. Apart from helping him extensively in his studies, put stress on the process of molding efficacious personality.

a. Encourage him to read book and sit down along with him. If you spot his interest in a specific subject, discuss that more. Take him out to good bookstores and libraries and let him pick up books of his choice.

b. Always maintain a clear and consistent stance in disciplining your kid. Avoid frequent fluctuation and changes in your rules. Clearly explain and exhibit the behavior you expect from him. While chiding for mistakes, make him understand what actually he should do instead.

c. Pamper him but to a certain limit. Ask him to pick up from simpler choices like deciding on what to wear, when to play and what to eat. Don’t give in easily if he starts whining for a particular stuff.

d. Assist him in cultivating good language and vocabulary skills. Try to speak every sentence in an elaborate and explanative way, making it crisp for him to understand. Also, correct his spellings every time he pronounces wrong.

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