Ask There may be situations when you find out that your child is frequently lying over things. Children may start lying at a very early age, probably when they realize that telling the truth can be troublesome for them. There may be many reasons for child compulsive lying – to cover up something, seeking attention, getting something and much more. It is very important to know how to deal with a lying child. Parents should empathize with their children and take steps to understand them. If not dealt with properly, there may be various consequences for lying kids.
Some effective tips for dealing with child compulsive lying
It is very important to know how to deal with a lying teenager. First of all, parents should be empathetic towards the children and try to understand their situation. The main cause of their lying behaviour is associated with their growth and development. Parents need to make them a priority and build a bond with them so that they do not feel the need of hiding something or lying to their parents.
While talking about how to deal with a lying teenager, the best answer is by connecting well with them. When there is a strong connection between the parents and children, there is a lot of sharing and caring. Children are honest, friendly, and want to pour their heart out to their parents, which is the best way to prevent them from lying.
Staying calm and listening to the children
If the parents do not deal with their children in a wise manner, there may be various unforeseen consequences for lying kids. Staying calm and giving time to the child is very important to develop morals and values, which will prevent them from lying in future. The base should be very strong and that has to be created by the parents.
Listening to their kids when they make any mistakes and trying to stay by their side is a very wise step that the parents can take. Some small acts and gestures from parents prove to be very fruitful for the children in the future. When a child makes any mistake for the first time, instead of getting angry, the parents should make them understand their mistake politely. The child will understand the fault on his own and will try to be careful the next time.
Appreciate the child’s honest attempts
It is very important to appreciate and acknowledge the child’s honesty at times to motivate him of the achievements. If a child tells you the truth after making the mistake, your words should echo appreciation for his honesty. This will give the child a message that his honesty will be rewarded and not punished in the future Understanding your kids and appreciating their honest nature at times will definitely make a difference and prevent them from lying.
Understand the reason for child compulsive lying
If the parents find out that their child is lying repeatedly, they should better be alert and take steps in this regard. They should try to figure out the reasons for which their child is lying and try to solve the problem right from the roots. If the reason is their behaviour towards the child, they should try to change their ways. If the reason is lack of attention, they should be attentive. There is a big role of parents to prevent child compulsive lying and encouraging him to behave morally.
Tips On How To Parent And Correct A Lying Child
You are in a predicament. You caught your child lying and don’t know how to handle the situation. Do you reprimand him/her for lying to you? Do you plan to sit down with him/her and talk it out in a mature manner? Or do you simply choose to ignore it until another time? If you are confused and need help in the matter, here are some tips to help you.
Understand the reason for the action
There must be a reason your child is lying to you. Your first step in handling the issue is to find that reason. Ask yourself questions like – Is it his/her way to establish an identity and connect with peers? Does he/she lie to keep a part of his/her life separate? Are the you imposing too many restrictions which is resulting in him/her lying? Is your child getting the attention he/she needs? Or does he/she simply do it to avoid getting into trouble? There may be so many reasons your child may be lying to you? Try to figure out the correct reason either by intuition or by sitting down with him/her and having a chat.
Set the base for a honest relationship
You will need to set up a honest relationship with your kids if you don’t want them to lie to you. A honest relationship may tread on unfavorable grounds at times. It all depends on how much honesty you can tolerate and accept from your kids. If you can’t handle his/her honesty, you will probably trigger him/her to lie to you about something in the near future.
Be open to negotiations
Strict rules are one of the main reasons for kids to lie to you. If you find your kid lying to you on more than one occasion with relation to a house rule that you imposed, consider backing down a bit and negotiate a possible truce with him/her over the issue. Listen to his/her reasons for breaking the rule and lying about it and try to arrive at a possible compromise that would favor both of you without any risks. This way, you will reduce his/her dishonesty and encourage him/her to be more honest and trustworthy in the near future.
Try to avoid angry interrogations
You may be upset your kid lied to you. However, don’t take this as an excuse to confront or interrogate him/her in an angry manner. Rather, sit down and talk it out in a calm, constructive manner. A little anger is fine, but venting it out on your little one will only lead to him/her becoming more deceptive and stubborn as he/she grows.
Never label them
Never call your kid a liar! If you feel this will shame him/her, you may be right. But it will also increase the risks of him/her living up to that label as he/she grows. So while you can let him/her know how upset you are about the issue, refrain from labeling him/her a cheat or liar.
A final note on child compulsive lying
Children tend to lie from time to time. While a small fib here and there is acceptable, constant lying is something that needs to be handled in a timely manner. These tips will hopefully help you understand your kid better and help him/her overcome his/her deceptive behavior with time.