Pregnancy on its own is a very delicate phase for a woman, and this gets even more complicated, if a teenager is pregnant. Teenage pregnancy can be a very tough phase, and it gets more challenging when the pregnancy is unplanned. We all know how life changes after a baby is born. Even as adults, we undergo so many emotions at the same time. To deal with the entire situation, here are a few essential things that you should do.
Talk things out
This is a phase that can make or break a family depending on how the reaction is and the way the situation is handled. As much as parents are worried about what is in store for the future of their child, as a family, it is essential to sit down and talk things out.
Speak to a specialist
There are people and centers that specialize in teenage pregnancy. The specialists working here not only give you all the information that you would need, however, they even offer a better approach to the situation. You will get all the necessary guidance and information about what you can do once the baby is delivered.
Building a support system
A good support system is necessary when it comes to teenage pregnancy. As a family, there is a lot in store, the reaction of your relatives and friends may not be positive so dealing with it on your own can be challenging. As parents, you may be hurt or angry with your child; however, you can become the biggest support system for your child.
Speak to the father and parents of the child
The next step that you would need to take is informing the father of the child. Do not expect anything, instead keep an open mind and be prepared for anything. The family of the father will equally be in a state of shock when they hear the news, and just like you, they will also need time to digest this reality.
The future of the baby
It is not just the future of the mother that is in question, even the future of the child needs to be considered. If you plan to keep the baby within the family, then you will have to make changes accordingly. Similarly, if you plan to put the child up for adoption, then you have to find out all the necessary information and procedures so that you know what you have to do.
9 Parenting Tips on How to Be a Good Mom
Our 9 tips on how to be a good mom do not relate to the global challenges of parenting but to the practice of life with which the parent and child meet every day. Any mom from time to time asks herself the question: how does my child feel with me? And it is right. After all, even if she regularly feeds the child healthy, varied and tasty food, she dresses him beautifully, and puts him to sleep in a comfortable crib, which stands in a wonderful children’s room, all that does not mean that she is a good parent. The same can be done by a nanny or a housekeeper who is paid for this.
Maternity is more than the satisfaction of the child’s physical needs. This special relationship helps a little human grow into a full-fledged, self-confident adult who has adequate self-esteem. We all come from childhood! Our strengths and advantages, our shortcomings and problems in most cases, are rooted in childhood. That is why being a mom is the most responsible job on this planet. Teenage pregnancy is not easy, but if you still want to go ahead with it, then you need to know how to become a good mom.
Look into your child’s eyes as often as possible during the day
Eye contact is very important. It helps the child to feel the adult’s love, to sense himself as a person. Naturally, this is not the strict look when you want to punish or scold a child. Every day look into your child’s eyes with love – it will fill his little heart with happiness.
Plan interesting stuff for your baby today, this week, and this month
Maybe it will be his favorite dish, which you will cook for him. It can be a game that you play together, an experiment or a small funny study, or just an evening that you devote exclusively to him.
Say sweet words to the baby
How long has he heard that he is your sweetheart, the best one and that you always dreamed of having such a son or a daughter?
Enjoy the time being a mom even if it is a teenage pregnancy
Remember: the children are given to us for a while. This time passes very quickly. You will never return those moments when it was possible to take the kid on hands, to take him to school and wipe away the tears, to feed him and put him to bed. Being a mother is a precious gift and most women understand this very well. As it is the case with almost all women worldwide irrespective of their nationalities, still we have ample reasons why Russian women make great mothers and good wives. The family is the most important thing.
Listen to your child
Learn to listen to his questions and answer them. Along with that, you also need to learn to listen to his reasoning and learn new things about him. Communication is an important key; that is why you need to learn to communicate with children so that they want to come back to you repeatedly just to talk.
Maintain a physical contact with your child
Even if your teenage children imagine themselves to be the adults, they need physical contact. Hug and kiss your children before leaving the house. Kiss them goodnight. This is very important for strengthening the inner bonds of love.
Give your child undivided attention
Allow time that will be devoted only to the child. Turn off the phones, computer and the TV for this time. Try to enjoy the communication with your child.
Encourage the child to do something new and exciting
Some new hobby can become your common favorite thing and may bring not only pleasure but become a perfect way to communicate.
Forgive yourself
Even if you made a gross mistake, unworthy of the title of a good mother, forgive yourself and go on. Children can forgive almost everything. It is natural for them. If the mother feels the burden of guilt, this negatively affects the relationship with the child. If necessary, ask your son or daughter for your forgiveness.
Look to the future. Every new day is a new page, where there is not a single mistake. Do not take the past into the future.